Thursday, April 15, 2010

Order and Chaos

Vassiliki Koutsothanasi. "Image ID: 954919." 18 Feb 2008. Online image. Stock.xchang. 15 Apr 2010.

The first day of class, I just had some simple statements for "order" and "chaos."
I used to think "order" refers to command, organization, and perfection; and "chaos" refers to confusion, anarchy, and disorganization.
However, since I learned many contents from this course, now I have a different point of view than the beginning of this term. Although it might sound contradicted, I started to think order can be chaotic, and chaos can be orderly.

- Command / Military
- Organize / Government
- Confusion / Rush Hour
- Anarchy / War
- Disorganization / Natural Disaster

These are the good examples that can define my definition and thought that have been altered due to the class.

For example,
The horror, typically, is only felt by others -- the patient, unaware, amnesiac for his amnesia, may continue what he is doing, quite unconcerned, and only discover later that he lost not only a day (as is common with ordinary alcoholic 'blackouts'), but half a lifetime, and never knew it. The fact that one can lose the greater part of a lifetime has peculiar, uncanny horror. (Sacks 40)
As I mentioned in previous blog post, I think that Jimmie represent both order and chaos, and it depends on whose point of view that people are seeing them.
Even though Jimmie was different from other people because of the brain problems, from his point of view, he did not have any problems because he could not even recognize that he lost his memory and he was having a brain disorder. Just like Sacks said that the patients do not feel the fear because they would never know. However, from other people's point of view, such as from Sacks and my point of view, since we could see that he had a brain problem, his behavior seems to be chaotic. Therefore, as this example defines, one thing can have two faces, "order" and "chaos."

By applying this two-face possibility, the examples that I mentioned above can have both "order" and "chaos," which I could not notice in the beginning of this term.

- Command / Military
Command can make order; however too many orders can make chaos. Like in the 1984, it was obvious that too many orders from the Big Brother caused people's less motivation of thinking by themselves.

- Organize / Government
Government should be well organized to be able to function appropriately; however since each politician has their own concern (and sometimes it can be a selfish concern), government can be chaotic.

- Confusion / Rush Hour
Rush hour makes confusion because it causes a cloud of people. It seems it is chaotic; however, since everyone has their own schedule, and because they are following it, I think rush hour frequently occurs.

- Anarchy / War
War seems to be chaotic since it causes many deaths. However, war is also the result of each people's will, thoughts, and belief. Therefore, I think war is based on order; although it causes a great chaotic situation.

- Disorganization / Natural Disaster
Since natural disaster is caused by a great power that beyond human's control, it seems like a chaotic phenomenon. However, each Natural disaster has a cause and clear system which explains why and how it occurs.

This possibility of two faces is the new point of view that I have learned through this class.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reflect on Professor Jacobson's lecture and text

Afonso Lima. "Image ID: 963178." 5 Mar 2008. Online image. Stock.xchang. 7 Apr 2010.

Professor Jacobson's lecture was very interesting because we could actually "see" that the small changes can cause large changes. As he demonstrated in his lecture, by using the formula, y=x²-2. By applying the numbers into the formula, it clearly showed that small changes in the initial value causes large changes in the value of later numbers of the sequence.
Also, since the word "chaos" has a bad impression, such as confusion and disorder, I did not think that chaos theory can be used in the field of medication. He mentioned that chaos theory is used to the medicines to cure (= to restore order) heart attacks and neurology disorders. Therefore, I felt very interesting that chaos can creat order.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reflect on Professor Kjar’s lecture and text

Joanie Cahill. "Image ID: 584528." 6 Aug 2006. Online image. Stock.xchang. 28 Mar 2010

According to Geymonat, who wrote the biography of Galileo, Galileo insisted that people should recognize that there were two different types of language: “ordinary language” and “scientific language” (Geymonat 67). Galileo argued about the Ptolemaic Theory which was mentioned in the Bible:
God in his infinite wisdom, being familiar with both, understood very well when dictating the Sacred Scriptures that, in order to make the Bible comprehensible to its intended audience, it would be necessary to employ ordinary language as the only one understood by the common man. This entailed writing that the sun turned round the earth. But in science we must make use of the second kind of language, rigorous and exact, which is characteristic of scientific reasoning; hence we need not accept as scientifically valid the statement in question, despite the fact that it is found in the Bible. (Geymonat 67)
Science and religion strongly relates each other because both of them are the explanation for the system of the mysterious and unknown nature. However, I think each of them has a different support for their insistence: science is based on scientific theories and facts, religion is based on myths and belief. Although both have completely different supports, since they are explaining a same phenomenon, I think there are many antagonism between those two.

I felt this antagonism was also mentioned in Professor Kjar’s lecture.

Professor Kjar introduced some pictures that shows Adam and other animals were peacefully living together. There was no fighting nor hunting, but there was a beautiful piece of scenery. The pictures represented a perfect "order." However, those pictures were contrary to the scientific theories and facts, such as the theory of natural selection and evolution, which seems to be more complicated and chaotic than the pictures.

"What was God feeling that day?" this was the most impressive quote for me in the lecture.

Geymonat, Ludovico. Galileo Galilei: A Biography and Inquiry into His Philosophy of Science. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 1965. Print.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blade Runner and Moral

Drew Struzan. 1982. Online image. Internet Movie Poster Awards. 16 Mar 2010.

-Q1. Blade Runner is best known for its cyberpunk mise en scene (design aspects of the film): the incredibly dense texture of its shots. Watch very carefully and describe the 2020 culture the movie suggests visually.

The world in Blade Runner was very interesting for me because people were speaking many different language (and I noticed they were speaking Japanese as well) in a small area. As we read about dialect and language in class couple weeks ago, although there are some exception, I think most place have only few common language for a particular place. In Blade Runner's world, I felt it was too random to speak many different language in a very small place because it is very hard to communicate without using common language. I know we can communicate through non-linguistic ways but still I felt it was too chaotic because I am used to use particular language to communicate in certain place.
And I think their expectation of 2020 was pretty accurate (a little bit exaggerated though) because even now we can see globalization, 2020 should be more globalized as the advance of technology. Therefore in 2020, there is a possibility of existence of many languages in a small area, just like this movie. This is why the world in Blade Runner was very interesting for me.

-Q2. A moral message of the movie is that it was wrong to enslave the replicants and use them as forced labor since they were so human-like in both appearance and thought process. What would need to be different about replicants in order for us to feel that it was OK to use them for labor?

I agree that Replicants and human were too similar in both appearance and thought process, and since they were too similar, it is much easier to sympathize with Replicants and it seemed enslaving human. Especially, when Replicants expressed many emotions, such as fear, anger, sadness, and love, there were nothing different from human. Also, when Deckard fought with Replicants, they bled like a human. So I could not think Deckard was fighting with "Replicants."
Therefore, to feel OK to use Replicants for labor, I think they should have completely different appearances and different thought process. For example, if Replicants totally looked like a robot and if they did not have same process of thinking, especially emotions, I think we can consider them as a tool, just like computers.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reflect on Dr. Kapasula’s lecture and text

Mishin Yarik. "Image ID: 633847." 9 Oct 2006. Online image. Stock.xchang. 6 Feb 2010

Until I attended to Dr. Kapasula’s lecture, I even did not know there is an International Women's day. Her lecture was very interesting because she used the song, Single Ladies, as a material to explain her point. Also, since the main point of the lecture was about the feminism, I felt strong connection with The Burital at Thebes. I think the contrast between Single Ladies and King Creon's thought is very interesting.

As we discussed in the class, there are many part that King Creon mentions his hatred toward women. For example,

-"Who does she think
She is? The man in charge?" (31)

-"Listen to him. He's on the woman's side." (45)

Obviously, we can see Creon does not think women and men are equal. However, Single Ladies' lyric says that


I could care less what you think
I need no permission, did I mention
Dont pay him any attention
Cuz you had your turn
But now you gonna learn
What it really feels like to miss me

Don’t treat me to the things of this world
I’m not that kind of girl
Your love is what I prefer,
what I deserve
He’s a man that makes me then takes me
And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond
Pull me into your arms
Say I’m the one you own
If you don’t, you’ll be alone
And like a ghost I’ll be gone
All the single ladies Now put your hands up

Beyoncé Knowles. "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)." Single Ladies. Columbia Records, 2008.


Since this lyric clearly shows her thought of women having the initiative, I felt the contrast between Single Ladies and King Creon's thought is very interesting.
I think that even though it was a usual condition (=order) that women had less chances than men and treated differently in past, it can be changed by the time and can become a wrong condition (=chaos) in the future.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reflect on Professor Lemak's Lecture and text

Southernfried. "Picture_072b.jpg." 05 Jul 2006. Online image. Morguefile. 7 Mar 2010.

-How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?
As Professor Lemak mentioned in his lecture, I agree that social justice and moral authority cannot exist without each other. He gave us an example that Creon worked hard for his people in the story by using the rules that he got from God. However, it did not work out because he thought people need king but king does not need people. Actually, king needs people because he needs their support to keep the authority. If no one supports or agree with what he is doing as a king, that king does not need to be there because it is obvious that he is not living up to people's demand. Same thing can be said to the unjust law because it does not make sense to follow and that cause people's distrust.

-What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?
I think moral constitutes social responsibility and justice because that is the very fundamental criterion for people to judge what is good and what is bad. I think there is no social responsibility if it is a bad thing to conduct, and justice should be a sense of right. Since people are the one who creates the sense of social responsibility and justice, moral should be the fundamental element.

-What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?
I think leaders should have a broad point of view to live up to people's demand and to confront moral choices. Professor Lemak mentioned that both Creon and Antigone were so sure that they were right so they couldn't see from the other point of view. I think this example represents that order and order may cause chaos. If leader is one-sided, he is likely to lose people's support because king cannot understand people's demand.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Self

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. 2005. Online image. Portfolio Center. 22 Feb 2010.

-Who am I?
Actually, I do not know who I am. I have my name, I have a nationality, I can come up with some words to describe myself; however, all of them are just the label which was additive. My parents gave me a name, Ayaka. Japanese is just a name that human created to describe the nation. Therefore, it is difficult to think what elements can explain who I am. Although I do not know how to tell who I am, I can tell that I am here now and I have a history, my memory. I think memory have an important role to indicate one's identity.

-What forces shape our sense of self?
It is hard to answer this question, but I think every external force can have an influence to us to shape our sense of self. Like I mentioned in the first question, especially, memory has an important role to define who I am. It is because the memory is a record of the personal history, and the experience gives people lessons that can influence the sense. Because of this, it is important to accept and remember all kinds of memory, even though it is painful.

-What is the central conflict of the film?
Of course Joel and Clementine had a conflict because of their different personality; however, I think the biggest conflict of the film was the conscious and unconscious. When Joel and Clementine met again after the memory surgery (that was the very beginning of the movie), Clementine said, "Have we met before?"
Although they wanted to erase the painful memory, I think they also wanted to keep the memory, like Joel said "Please let me keep this memory, just this one" when he was put into sleep to erase the memory. Therefore, I think the conflict was both internal and external.

-What is the significance of the Title?
I personally like this movie's title, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" because it strongly ties in to the theme. As previously stated, even though both Joel and Clementine erased their memory and became a "Spotless Mind," they both remembered each other unconsciously and attracted again. Although they lost their memory about each other, they had unconscious "Eternal" memory like the bright strong "Sunshine."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Slef and Song

I found a song which relates to "the Self," sang by Ikimonogakari, the Japanese singer. I think there are many mistakes because I translated the lyrics into English. (Although I searched on the Internet, I could not find the English translation) But I wish people can understand some parts.


"My heart as it is" (Kokoro hitotsu arugamama)

I'm standing in front of the shut door,
and I don't care how my back looks from the others.
I was looking for the "average" to feel safe.
But I'm not that kind of girl any more.


どう見えるのか 何を語るか それすらに意味は無い



I was breathing in the imagination,
and I still can see "myself," who I used to be.
This place where I am can still glitter.
I'm gonna say good bye to myself,
who wants to fake and pretend that I'm brave.
I'm moving on to my own future with my heart as it is.

想像力で息をしたあの日のあたしに逢える この場所が輝きをまた放つ

勇敢なフリをした強がるあたしを捨てて 手招く唯一無二の未来へ



I closed my eyes and saw myself, and I was cheered by her.
To tell the truth, I knew I didn't need to fake who I am.

等身大のまま閉じた 瞼の裏側にいるいつかのあたしが背中を押して

本当は知っていた 「飾らぬあたしでいい」って


Ikimonogakari. "Kokoro hitotsu arugamama." Lifealbum. EPIC Record, 2008.

いきものがかり. "心一つあるがまま." ライフアルバム. EPIC Record, 2008.


I felt that this song says the inconsistency between the "Material/Spiritual Me" and "Social Me." And I think this often happens to people because many people have different "Social Me," and those can be very different than the "Material/Spiritual Me." I think we need to have some kind of "Social Me" to remain the relationships (=order) between different people, such as parents, teachers, and friends. However, having many different "Social Me" can cause the question that "Which is my true self/style?" (=chaos)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Observing People's Conversation

Since I speak both English and Japanese, basically I belong to two speech community. Moreover, because I am taking Chinese class, although it is a short period, I also join Chinese speech community. But the basic communities are English and Japanese. Most of the day, I need to speak English to communicate, and the main topic is about the classes and the contents we learn in the classes. Since most time I speak with people of the same age, I use casual words in my speech.

The conversation I observed was about the boy who speaker likes. The speaker was explaining how she was happy when she could be the same group with him for the group project.

Also, I paid attention when I heard people talking to catch the forms of address. People used many kinds of address, such as: First name, nickname, generic terms (buddy, guy[s], girl[s]). Although there were many ways of address, obviously people were using them to show their friendship.

-Setting and Scene
I did my observation at the dining hall on February 5th. The conversation took place during the speaker and listeners were eating lunch. Four girls, one was the speaker and others were the listeners. They seemed to be playful and excited.

In the beginning of the conversation, both speaker and listeners' tone, pitch, and loudness were normal. However, as the conversation advanced, their tone became higher, pitch became faster, and volume of the voice became louder. It was because they became excited with the content of the conversation.

The purpose of the conversation was to tell how happy the speaker was, and to tell how she could be the same group with the boy.

People usually know that interrupting the speaker is not good. However, because of the purpose of the conversation, when the listeners got excited, they often interrupted the speaker and asked her to tell more about the content. Although the speaker was interrupted many times, she did not seem to be angry with that. Also, all of them were frequently making eye contact. From this example, although there is a basic norm which people need to follow during the conversation, I think norm can be changed by the case.

There is a clear order in the conversation when both speaker(s) and listener(s) are in same speech community. However, it can be chaotic when speaker(s) and listener(s) have different speech community because it is hard to understand each other since they do not share same language. Also, if people do not have or lost the ability to speak or the ability to understand the language (like Genie did not have chance to develop her language ability during her critical period), the whole world may be chaotic because this world is strongly connected to the language.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflect on Dr. Lovett's Lecture and text

Miranda Knox. "Image ID: 88073." 1 Oct 2007. Online image. Stock.xchang. 31 Jan 2010.

When I read Oliver Sacks' text, even though I knew similar cases of losing memory, I was shocked and the story made me sad. It is because Jimmie could not share the same time with others, and because he was repeating the same time period over and over again.
However, I was relieved because Jimmie would never know that he was living in "the world of 1945" in 1975.

In the text, Sacks also says:
The horror, typically, is only felt by others -- the patient, unaware, amnesiac for his amnesia, may continue what he is doing, quite unconcerned, and only discover later that he lost not only a day (as is common with ordinary alcoholic 'blackouts'), but half a lifetime, and never knew it. The fact that one can lose the greater part of a lifetime has peculiar, uncanny horror. (Sacks 40)
However, there is another fact that one can completely be a different person, which also has peculiar, uncanny horror.

Dr. Lovett mentioned Phineas Gage's case in his lecture. Phineas had a great damage on his brain because a long iron rod went through his frontal lobes. Although he miraculously survived, since his brain was badly damaged, his personality completely changed. Before the accident, he was very responsible, thoughtful, and friendly person; however, he was no longer himself because he became emotional, stubborn, and short-tempered.

I think that Jimmie and Phineas represent both order and chaos, and it depends on whose point of view that people are seeing them.
Even though they were different from other people because of the brain problems, from their point of view, they did not have any problems. Just like Sacks said that the patients do not feel the fear because they would never know. However, from other people's point of view, since they had a brain problem, their behavior seems to be chaos.

And because it seems to be chaos, I think people feel fear.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reflect on Benjamin Franklin and body scan

"RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve."

This is the one I tried for a day. I decided not to be negative, to do my assignments, and to concentrate. However, I could accomplish non of them and I could not keep track of them. The text says that Benjamin Franklin tried little by little to accomplish everything because it is hard to do everything at same time.
In my case, I could not accomplish and order myself like Benjamin did. May be it is because I was not used to order myself, and I tried to do too many things in same time.
Chaos can be solved by orders; however, too many orders can make chaos.

Also, the image above is the result of my body log. I did not notice the pain before I tried to scan myself, and even though I felt a little pain, it did not affect to my performance. I think that chaos and order can exist together in same time. Like we read in Night, for one side it may be chaos and for other side it may be order.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Memoir and History

Sanja Gjenero. "Image ID: 637320." 14 Oct 2006. Online image. Stock.xchang. 24 Jan 2010.

Q- The literary genre to which this book belongs is memoir. One might make a case that it is also history. How do these two genres each contribute to the reader’s understanding of Eliezer’s story? Is memoir a good source of historical "fact"? Why/why not?

I think the big difference between memoir and history is that memoir is based on writer's point of view and history does not include someone's point of view. This book, Night, is based on the true story of the Holocaust; however, obviously it is also including writer's, Eliezer’s point of view such as what he felt and thought. Moreover, his position/status as Jewish affects the story. Since history needs to be objective, it shows both side of the Holocaust such as the Nazis' side and Jewish side. However, because Night is written by Eliezer and it is all based on what he saw, heard, and experienced, it only includes Jewish side.

Although memoir tends to be subjective, it sometimes shows detailed information than the history because it is a very broad objective category. I cannot say memoir is always a good source of historical "fact". Since both memoir and history can be falsified, the most important thing is that each person needs to judge carefully that what is a reliable source as a historical fact.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Professor Denis' Lecture

Brit Olam The International Israeli-Jewish Volunteer Movement. 2009. Web. 21 Jan 2010.

Before I attended to professor Denis' lecture, I did not know that "art" had existed during the Holocaust because I thought people could not create something artistic in such a cruel situation. Therefore, I was so surprised with the amount of the drawings, and those drawings had an enough power to tell me how Holocaust was an inhuman act. I cannot find appropriate words to describe them, but the drawings were both beautiful and frightening.

In the lecture, professor Denis mentioned that even though artists were in a horrible situation, they kept drawing because they could give a voice to the deads. Also, he introduced us a quote that "victims' hearts are forever broken and human being should know what happened."

I believe thoes arts have a really strong voice of the victims which we should listen to.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflecting on the lecture: Plate 17

David Winn & CFUV 101.9 FM. "Job: a production for Radio." 03 Dec 2009. Web. 17 Jan 2010.

Reflecting on Professor Kather's lecture, I think plate 17 (the picture above) is the most interesting picture because this picture exactly explains the relationship among God, Job, and his three friends. In this picture, Job straightly "sees" God; however, Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are hiding their face in their hands. In the end of the story, God returned everything to Job. On the other hand, God mentioned about Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar that God was very angry because they had not spoke the truth about him (91).
It seemed that three friends did not speak something wrong about God because they explained and insisted to Job to defend God. First I thought Job was the one who did not speak the truth about God because he complained his pain and questioned about the situation. However, I realized that God was angry with them because they spoke as if they knew everything about God. Human cannot know nor understand God because God is beyond human knowledge. To the contrary, Job insisted everything, even pain and complaint, right in front of God's face. I think that was what God implied in his word, "speak the truth about God".
Therefore, because it explains the relationship among God, Job, and his three friends, I think this is the most interesting and important picture.

Second half of Job: Why God was so strict to Job?

- Where do God's anger, sarcasm, and indignation come from? Why is he so emotionally worked up? Analyze the psychology of God and his response to Job.

When I first read the chapter when God finally responses to Job, I was so disappointed because I though God was going to answer Job's question.
In the first round, Job said,

All this I have seen with my own eyes;
my own ears have heard these things.
What you know, I know also;
my mind is as clear as yours.
But I want to speak before God,
to present my case in God's court.
For you smear my wounds with ignorance
and patch my body with lies.
Don't you have any sense?
Will you never shut your mouths? (34)

It is obvious that even though Job was confused because of the sudden punishment, he still believed in God and he was waiting for his word which explains everything. However, God gave a speech full of anger, sarcasm, and indignation, such as, "Where were you when I planned the earth? Tell me, if you are so wise" (79). I was so disappointed with his words, because he did not praise Job of his patience nor did not explain why he needed to suffer.
However, when I considered the situation from God's point of view, I think he answered strictly because he did not want Job to question the situation. I think he wanted Job to accept everything without complaining and questioning. Because that is the only way to prove Job's integrity which God wanted to verify to Accusing Angle. Although Job did not forsake the belief, since God believed in Job, I think he was emotionally provoked when Job questioned the meaning of what God had done to him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hello. I'm Ayaka.
I'm from Japan and this is my second year in Elmira College.
My major is Speech and Hearing.
Nice to meet you all.