Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflecting on the lecture: Plate 17

David Winn & CFUV 101.9 FM. "Job: a production for Radio." 03 Dec 2009. Web. 17 Jan 2010.

Reflecting on Professor Kather's lecture, I think plate 17 (the picture above) is the most interesting picture because this picture exactly explains the relationship among God, Job, and his three friends. In this picture, Job straightly "sees" God; however, Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are hiding their face in their hands. In the end of the story, God returned everything to Job. On the other hand, God mentioned about Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar that God was very angry because they had not spoke the truth about him (91).
It seemed that three friends did not speak something wrong about God because they explained and insisted to Job to defend God. First I thought Job was the one who did not speak the truth about God because he complained his pain and questioned about the situation. However, I realized that God was angry with them because they spoke as if they knew everything about God. Human cannot know nor understand God because God is beyond human knowledge. To the contrary, Job insisted everything, even pain and complaint, right in front of God's face. I think that was what God implied in his word, "speak the truth about God".
Therefore, because it explains the relationship among God, Job, and his three friends, I think this is the most interesting and important picture.

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