Sunday, January 17, 2010

Second half of Job: Why God was so strict to Job?

- Where do God's anger, sarcasm, and indignation come from? Why is he so emotionally worked up? Analyze the psychology of God and his response to Job.

When I first read the chapter when God finally responses to Job, I was so disappointed because I though God was going to answer Job's question.
In the first round, Job said,

All this I have seen with my own eyes;
my own ears have heard these things.
What you know, I know also;
my mind is as clear as yours.
But I want to speak before God,
to present my case in God's court.
For you smear my wounds with ignorance
and patch my body with lies.
Don't you have any sense?
Will you never shut your mouths? (34)

It is obvious that even though Job was confused because of the sudden punishment, he still believed in God and he was waiting for his word which explains everything. However, God gave a speech full of anger, sarcasm, and indignation, such as, "Where were you when I planned the earth? Tell me, if you are so wise" (79). I was so disappointed with his words, because he did not praise Job of his patience nor did not explain why he needed to suffer.
However, when I considered the situation from God's point of view, I think he answered strictly because he did not want Job to question the situation. I think he wanted Job to accept everything without complaining and questioning. Because that is the only way to prove Job's integrity which God wanted to verify to Accusing Angle. Although Job did not forsake the belief, since God believed in Job, I think he was emotionally provoked when Job questioned the meaning of what God had done to him.

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