Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reflect on Benjamin Franklin and body scan

"RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve."

This is the one I tried for a day. I decided not to be negative, to do my assignments, and to concentrate. However, I could accomplish non of them and I could not keep track of them. The text says that Benjamin Franklin tried little by little to accomplish everything because it is hard to do everything at same time.
In my case, I could not accomplish and order myself like Benjamin did. May be it is because I was not used to order myself, and I tried to do too many things in same time.
Chaos can be solved by orders; however, too many orders can make chaos.

Also, the image above is the result of my body log. I did not notice the pain before I tried to scan myself, and even though I felt a little pain, it did not affect to my performance. I think that chaos and order can exist together in same time. Like we read in Night, for one side it may be chaos and for other side it may be order.


  1. I also tried not to be negative. It is a really hard virtue to fulfill, because you do not actually think about whether you are being positive or negative until after it happens.
    I was not able to accomplish as much as Franklin either, but maybe if I take it one virtue at a time I will have better success in finding my 'self.'
    Good luck to you as well! =]

  2. I'm with you, the virtues chart never even crossed my mind until 20 minutes ago. I don't consciously think about the things I do regarding virtues and flaws.

  3. You seem to be doing well, at least better than me...haha... Don't be negative, Ayaka!!

  4. I agree with you too. I never thought of making virtues. I would always tell myself to exercise more and not eat so much junk food, but i never really made a plan to make sure i did it. It was very hard for me to try and maintain what I wanted to accomplish for the week.
