Thursday, January 21, 2010

Professor Denis' Lecture

Brit Olam The International Israeli-Jewish Volunteer Movement. 2009. Web. 21 Jan 2010.

Before I attended to professor Denis' lecture, I did not know that "art" had existed during the Holocaust because I thought people could not create something artistic in such a cruel situation. Therefore, I was so surprised with the amount of the drawings, and those drawings had an enough power to tell me how Holocaust was an inhuman act. I cannot find appropriate words to describe them, but the drawings were both beautiful and frightening.

In the lecture, professor Denis mentioned that even though artists were in a horrible situation, they kept drawing because they could give a voice to the deads. Also, he introduced us a quote that "victims' hearts are forever broken and human being should know what happened."

I believe thoes arts have a really strong voice of the victims which we should listen to.

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