Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reflect on Professor Jacobson's lecture and text

Afonso Lima. "Image ID: 963178." 5 Mar 2008. Online image. Stock.xchang. 7 Apr 2010.

Professor Jacobson's lecture was very interesting because we could actually "see" that the small changes can cause large changes. As he demonstrated in his lecture, by using the formula, y=x²-2. By applying the numbers into the formula, it clearly showed that small changes in the initial value causes large changes in the value of later numbers of the sequence.
Also, since the word "chaos" has a bad impression, such as confusion and disorder, I did not think that chaos theory can be used in the field of medication. He mentioned that chaos theory is used to the medicines to cure (= to restore order) heart attacks and neurology disorders. Therefore, I felt very interesting that chaos can creat order.

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