Thursday, April 15, 2010

Order and Chaos

Vassiliki Koutsothanasi. "Image ID: 954919." 18 Feb 2008. Online image. Stock.xchang. 15 Apr 2010.

The first day of class, I just had some simple statements for "order" and "chaos."
I used to think "order" refers to command, organization, and perfection; and "chaos" refers to confusion, anarchy, and disorganization.
However, since I learned many contents from this course, now I have a different point of view than the beginning of this term. Although it might sound contradicted, I started to think order can be chaotic, and chaos can be orderly.

- Command / Military
- Organize / Government
- Confusion / Rush Hour
- Anarchy / War
- Disorganization / Natural Disaster

These are the good examples that can define my definition and thought that have been altered due to the class.

For example,
The horror, typically, is only felt by others -- the patient, unaware, amnesiac for his amnesia, may continue what he is doing, quite unconcerned, and only discover later that he lost not only a day (as is common with ordinary alcoholic 'blackouts'), but half a lifetime, and never knew it. The fact that one can lose the greater part of a lifetime has peculiar, uncanny horror. (Sacks 40)
As I mentioned in previous blog post, I think that Jimmie represent both order and chaos, and it depends on whose point of view that people are seeing them.
Even though Jimmie was different from other people because of the brain problems, from his point of view, he did not have any problems because he could not even recognize that he lost his memory and he was having a brain disorder. Just like Sacks said that the patients do not feel the fear because they would never know. However, from other people's point of view, such as from Sacks and my point of view, since we could see that he had a brain problem, his behavior seems to be chaotic. Therefore, as this example defines, one thing can have two faces, "order" and "chaos."

By applying this two-face possibility, the examples that I mentioned above can have both "order" and "chaos," which I could not notice in the beginning of this term.

- Command / Military
Command can make order; however too many orders can make chaos. Like in the 1984, it was obvious that too many orders from the Big Brother caused people's less motivation of thinking by themselves.

- Organize / Government
Government should be well organized to be able to function appropriately; however since each politician has their own concern (and sometimes it can be a selfish concern), government can be chaotic.

- Confusion / Rush Hour
Rush hour makes confusion because it causes a cloud of people. It seems it is chaotic; however, since everyone has their own schedule, and because they are following it, I think rush hour frequently occurs.

- Anarchy / War
War seems to be chaotic since it causes many deaths. However, war is also the result of each people's will, thoughts, and belief. Therefore, I think war is based on order; although it causes a great chaotic situation.

- Disorganization / Natural Disaster
Since natural disaster is caused by a great power that beyond human's control, it seems like a chaotic phenomenon. However, each Natural disaster has a cause and clear system which explains why and how it occurs.

This possibility of two faces is the new point of view that I have learned through this class.

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