Sunday, February 14, 2010

Slef and Song

I found a song which relates to "the Self," sang by Ikimonogakari, the Japanese singer. I think there are many mistakes because I translated the lyrics into English. (Although I searched on the Internet, I could not find the English translation) But I wish people can understand some parts.


"My heart as it is" (Kokoro hitotsu arugamama)

I'm standing in front of the shut door,
and I don't care how my back looks from the others.
I was looking for the "average" to feel safe.
But I'm not that kind of girl any more.


どう見えるのか 何を語るか それすらに意味は無い



I was breathing in the imagination,
and I still can see "myself," who I used to be.
This place where I am can still glitter.
I'm gonna say good bye to myself,
who wants to fake and pretend that I'm brave.
I'm moving on to my own future with my heart as it is.

想像力で息をしたあの日のあたしに逢える この場所が輝きをまた放つ

勇敢なフリをした強がるあたしを捨てて 手招く唯一無二の未来へ



I closed my eyes and saw myself, and I was cheered by her.
To tell the truth, I knew I didn't need to fake who I am.

等身大のまま閉じた 瞼の裏側にいるいつかのあたしが背中を押して

本当は知っていた 「飾らぬあたしでいい」って


Ikimonogakari. "Kokoro hitotsu arugamama." Lifealbum. EPIC Record, 2008.

いきものがかり. "心一つあるがまま." ライフアルバム. EPIC Record, 2008.


I felt that this song says the inconsistency between the "Material/Spiritual Me" and "Social Me." And I think this often happens to people because many people have different "Social Me," and those can be very different than the "Material/Spiritual Me." I think we need to have some kind of "Social Me" to remain the relationships (=order) between different people, such as parents, teachers, and friends. However, having many different "Social Me" can cause the question that "Which is my true self/style?" (=chaos)

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