Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reflect on Professor Lemak's Lecture and text

Southernfried. "Picture_072b.jpg." 05 Jul 2006. Online image. Morguefile. 7 Mar 2010.

-How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?
As Professor Lemak mentioned in his lecture, I agree that social justice and moral authority cannot exist without each other. He gave us an example that Creon worked hard for his people in the story by using the rules that he got from God. However, it did not work out because he thought people need king but king does not need people. Actually, king needs people because he needs their support to keep the authority. If no one supports or agree with what he is doing as a king, that king does not need to be there because it is obvious that he is not living up to people's demand. Same thing can be said to the unjust law because it does not make sense to follow and that cause people's distrust.

-What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?
I think moral constitutes social responsibility and justice because that is the very fundamental criterion for people to judge what is good and what is bad. I think there is no social responsibility if it is a bad thing to conduct, and justice should be a sense of right. Since people are the one who creates the sense of social responsibility and justice, moral should be the fundamental element.

-What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?
I think leaders should have a broad point of view to live up to people's demand and to confront moral choices. Professor Lemak mentioned that both Creon and Antigone were so sure that they were right so they couldn't see from the other point of view. I think this example represents that order and order may cause chaos. If leader is one-sided, he is likely to lose people's support because king cannot understand people's demand.


  1. I agree with you. Leaders should be able to catch various points of view and make neutral decisions when they confront moral choices.

  2. "Since people are the one who creates the sense of social responsibility and justice, moral should be the fundamental element." Can you think of any current examples to support your opinion here? How active are you and I in this process. Sometimes I feel very disconnected from this process.
